FredLines, T-Shirts For the Thinking Mind

Catalog Entry Page

NOTE: You should always enter the online catalog through this page, since any important notices will be displayed here.

Press the "Start Shopping" button below to enter the store. You will enter your shipping and payment info when you check out.

If you leave the store after having placed items in your shopping basket, we keep track of your order for a while. If you come back later, you will be asked if you want to continue with your existing order, or start a new one.

Thank you for shopping at FredLinesTM T-Shirts.

Throughout the store, you will find a variety of buttons used to perform various actions. The buttons are displayed here, with a decription of the action they cause.

PREV PAGE This button causes the previous page in the catalog to be displayed, in sequential order. When you back up to the Contents/Index page, this button is no longer displayed, because there isn't a "previous" page at that point. NEXT PAGE This button causes the next page in the catalog to be displayed, in sequential order. When you get to the last page in the catalog, this button is no longer displayed, because there isn't a "next" page at that point.
ORDER Click this button to order the item on the catalog page. Make sure you select the quantity you want to order first, and the size and color, when appropriate. When you click the Order button, the contents of your shopping cart is displayed. You can then continue shopping, or check out to finalize the purchase. CONTINUE SHOPPING Use this button when you are at a screen, such as the order display screen, when you want to continue shopping before completing your purchase.
UPDATE Everyone changes their mind while shopping. This button is used to change what you've put into your shopping basket. You simply change the quantities listed for each item you've had second thoughts about, then press the Update button to change the contents of the shopping cart. If you change the quantity to 0, the item will be removed from your shopping basket. VIEW ORDERS Click this button any time you want to see what you've currently got in your shopping basket.
CHECK OUT If you want to pay by credit card, you should use this button only if your browser does not support secure transactions. If you are not paying by credit card, you should use this button, because it reduces the load on the server. SECURE CHECK OUT Use this button if you are going to pay for your order with a credit card, and your browser supports secure transactions (most modern ones do). Your credit card information will be encrypted before it is sent across the Internet, for your protection.
When you press either the Check Out button or the Secure Check Out button, an Order Form screen is displayed. You are asked for your name, shipping and payment information. The fields that must be filled in are labeled as "(required)" to assist you.

You should press the Check Out buttons only when you are ready to complete your purchase, and submit your order. Although you will have the option of returning to the store to continue shopping, any information you enter into the Order Form will be forgotten, and you will have to re-enter it when you come back.

CLEAR This button erases the entries you have made on the Order Form, and presents you with a new, blank one, in case you made a lot of mistakes or decided you want your order shipped to a different address. SHIPPING RATES This button displays a page showing the options you have for shipping your order, and the charges that would be involved.
SUBMIT This button is used to submit your Order Form information to our server when you are not doing a secure transaction, started by pressing the Check Out button. SECURE SUBMIT This button is used to submit your Order Form information to our server when you are doing a secure transaction, started by pressing the Secure Check Out button.
Make sure you have filled in your Order Form information correctly before pressing the Submit (or Secure Submit) button, because you will not be prompted for a confirmation before your order is finally accepted. (If you find an error in your order information after your order has been accepted, send email to our Sales Department with the corrections.)
PLACE ORDER This button finalizes your order, and sends it to our Sales Department for fulfillment. You will receive an immediate confirmation page, and a copy of your order will be sent to the email address you specified on the Order Form. RESTART This button is displayed when you had item(s) in your shopping basket during a previous session, and you left without completing the order. If you want to keep your selections, press the Continue Shopping button to return to the store with them in your basket. If you don't want them, however press this button to start with an empty basket.
SEARCH This button brings up a screen where you can enter words or phrases to search for in our catalog. Note that the search is performed only within the FredLinesTM T-Shirts Web site. SEARCH CATALOG This button submits the search pattern you entered, to perform the actual search. Once the search is completed, a screen will be displayed with the results of your search, with clickable links to the page(s) where the text you entered occurs.
This button returns you to the catalog's Contents/Index page, from anywhere in the store, if you get lost. HOME

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This Web site, the pages and images it contains, and the t-shirt designs expressed, are Copyright © 1997-1999 by FredLinesTM T-Shirts. All rights reserved. The pages and graphic images may be downloaded only for the purpose of browsing in this store. They may not be copied or used for any other purpose without the express prior written permission of FredLinesTM T-Shirts. Manufacturing rights for the t-shirt designs are reserved by FredLinesTM T-Shirts. Thank you for your cooperation.

Catalog Entry Page / Webmaster / Last modified October 14, 2006 @ 6:19 am